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Re: query : screen size in linux

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On Sat, 17 Jul 1999 16:16:28   unmesh dhake wrote:
>i am using rh 6.0 on celeron machine.  I changed to trident 975 (AGP) from 
>sis 6215 which was working fine. i configured x windows for this card, but 
>my problem is i am getting screen which is larger than physical size. I used 
>xfree86config, in which i specified screen size to normal size. what is the 
>problem ? how to get normal screen

Hi Mr Unmesh Dhake,

I also have the same problem with my Celeron m/c having
the same Trident 975 AGP Card.

I have tried to configure using the utility XConf.

But, if the screen size comes normal, the system hangs
after a mouse click.  But, we can just log out of
X-Windows using the logout button.

Can anyone please help us ?



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