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Re: Howto in PINE

fuhrer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx proclaimed:

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If you think your username is funny, cool, awe-inspiring or insanely great
- - I really hope you grow up one day to realize the monstrosity of der
</Off Topic>

>         How do you execute a file (an executable one) sent as an
> attachment just by clicking on it while using PINE? In our LAN we work on
> Red Hat 5.2 version of LINUX, which has PINE installed as the mail
> program. Here PINE treats all the attached files as text files only &
> tries to just show its contents instead of executing it (if executable)
> when clicked on it.

DON'T.  It is highly unwise to execute email attachments.  What if I sent
you a virus as an attachment but disguised as some useful program?

- -- 
 "Step aside everyone! Sensitive love letters are my specialty. 'Dear
 Baby, Welcome to Dumpsville.  Population: you.'" -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave

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