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Re: How to Transfer the whole Linux partition to new HDD

"Soumyanath Chatterjee" <soumya_chatt@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Path - I
> --------
> 1. Install linux on second HDD
> 2. Copy the files I have changed to from old installation.
> Path - II
> --------
> 1. Format the new HDD with linux
> 2. mount it under a new directory
> Guru's any advice on this?

Another FAQ. This has been discussed before. If I recall correctly,

(a) Copying loses ownership and dates on the files.
(b) You can use "tar" to transfer from a to b using:

    cd a; tar cf - | (cd b; tar xvf -)

(c) You can use dd to do it too

    dd if=/dev/hdxx of=/dev/hdyy


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