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Re: JAVA multithread questions.
Eccential what you are tring to do is build a multithreaded Master Thread\Slave
thread arrangment.
I'm go describe a this system with psuedo-java notation. ( I'm in a Hurry!!).
The main MASTER thread of execution ( your PS ) will be responsible for
recieving requests from Q client and
starting up all the SLAVE threads .
I assume Q is a sockets based client and will talk to PS through a server side
socket interface.( This could just
as well be a serial port interface as well). In this strategy the slave threads
work in sync with the master by
using WAIT/NOTIFY monitor calls. This could easily be modified using a queue
mechanism to alow
async operations between the master and slave threads.
Please check Doug Lea's Book "Concurrent programmin in Java" (Addison and Wesley
Publishers) for
a more indepth descusion of the subject.
BTW in the future you should post these kinds of questions to the general
comp.java.programmer news grousp
The pseudo code looks like this
// Systems Bootstrap class
public class PS_SERVER {
public static main(String [] args ) {
Thread mainThread = new Thread("main",new PS_MASTER()); // creat the
master thread object
mainThread.start(); // now start the ball rolling
// Master controller Runnable Class
public class PS_MASTER implements Runnable{
private RunnableSlave R1 ;
private RunnableSlave R2;
private RunnableSlave R3;
public PS_MASTER()
// create the runnable slaves and start them in new threads
R1 = new RunnableSlave();
R2 = new RunnableSlave();
R3 = new RunnableSlave();
Thread TR1 = new Thread("Slave_1",R1);
Thread TR2 = new Thread("Slave_2",R2);
Thread TR3 = new Thread("Slave_3",R2);
public run()
// accept request and dispatch to the appropriate slave
// thread
Object request = serversocket.accept() // pseudo server side socket
if( request_for_slave_1 )
if( request_for_slave_2 )
if( request_for_slave_3 )
// get the results now
Obect = R1.getResults();
............ more code .......
............ more code .......
............ more code .......
// Worker Slave Runnable Class
public class RunnableSlave implements Runnable{
private Object workToDo;
private Object resultOfCall;
public RunnableSlave() {
public synchronized run(){
while(true) {
wait() ; // wait until called to do some work
// do the work requested in workToDo Object
// call connected servers or whatever
// create result object for later retrieval by master
resultOfCall = new Object();
public synchronized doSomeWorkNow(Object work) {
workToDo = work; // tell thread what to do
notify(); // wake the thread up to do the work
public Object getResults(){
return resultsOfCall;
Chien-Lung Wu wrote:
> Hi,
> I am doing java networking program. Since my project have a little trick
> architecture, I am planning to use JAVA as my design language.
> The Questions are:
> 1. one of my machine called PS have to connect to 3 different servers (R1,
> R2, and R3) to collect info. So PS have to make connect with R1, R2, and
> R3. I want PS to connect Servers independently, that means, the
> connection is concurrent, not sequence. How can I do that?
> 2. I think PS is a very important part in my project. As I mentioned on 1.
> PS is a client to communicate with 3 servers. However, PS is also a serevr
> to be trigger by Q. How can I deal with this situation? Is JAVA
> multithread can solve my question?
> The configuration I try to solve is as following.
> +-<-------------->R1
> /
> Q<---------> PS-<---------------> R2
> \
> +---<-----------> R3
> How can I use java multithread to desigm my program, such that PS can
> communicate with R1, R2, and R3 respectly, and PS also can receive Q's
> triger to satisfy Q's request?
> Can anyone give me some hints or guideline to do it? Do anyone can point
> out some material about JAVA multithread and java network programming?
> Any suggestion will be appreciated.
> C. L.
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