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Re: Help with Linux.
On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 01:39:16PM +0530, Subbiah Muthukalayappan wrote:
- -> I have another query: Is there any disadvantage in just having one
- -> partition (other than for swap) with / as mounting point or should we
- -> have seperate partitions for /usr, / , /home etc. seperately (as
- -> recommended) ?
There is atleast one advantage in having /home as a separate
partition. you can re-install linux [not upgrade which is possible
anyway] without formatting the /home partition and retail all your previous
work. generally people have the habit of having a small '/', '/var' and
big /usr and /home.
on the contrary having a single '/' gives you max flexibility with
respect to user area and installing packages. you would not find /usr
full when you want to install a new java compiler with /home having a
lot of space left [this problem can be solved by installing in /home
and putting a link however].
in a nutshell if its same harddisk you can have a single '/'.
- --
With Regards,
S Ravi Shankar
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