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Re: Re : Fast net access

Jeffrey Yep wrote:
> But then how to remove squid which is autmatically installed on choosing the
> server installtion method? Also is there any source for wwwoffle or is
> downloading it the only option?
> Jeff

	I assume u r using RHL. To remove the package entirely from the system
u would type " rpm -e squid "
	Alternatively, if u want to disable the daemon from popping up each
time u start, remove the symlink from the appropriate runlevel.
	There is a ncurses based utility provided for doing the same in RHL
called "ntsysv" i think.

- -- Shanu
- -------------------------------------------------------==(SHANU)==--
  Shanker Balan                                 Debian/GNU Linux 2.1
  St. Alberts College

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