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Re: Re : Fast net access

Vimal Mathew wrote:
> Hi!
>      I got a pentium-optimized C compiler from <http://www.tunelinux.com>
> and recompiled a lean kernel (ver. 2.2.9) with it. Recompiling the
> network-utilities will also make a difference. And I hope you are using
> squid as a caching-proxy.
> Vimal Mathew
> <m_vimal@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Model Engg. College
> Cochin

Hey Vimal,
	R u running squid on ur desktop or on a dedicated machine? Squid is an
extremely memory hungry app which is meant to be run on standalone
machines. Use wwwoffle proxy server instead.

- -- Shanu
- -------------------------------------------------------==(SHANU)==--
  Shanker Balan                                 Debian/GNU Linux 2.1
  St. Alberts College
  Cochin - The queen of the Arabian sea

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