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chip cd
Hi all,
I did not had privilege of using chip cd as it is still not available in
I saw lots of mail on this list complaining about star office and
libraries. If by installation from chip has if some one's system has
gone hey wire then anger against chip is justified. How ever one must
consider the atul's mail
Much of the feedback about CHIP's Linux effort comes from this list,
as PCQ's does. If you are going to trash the whole effort on the basis
one tiny blooper, then you are discouraging them as well as anyone else
planning to bring out a Linux CD, which means the entire community
Now my request to experts those who have used chip cd is that , explain
in detail what is wrong with cd and how best it can be used. This could
be useful to chip also. Unfortunately I do not see any one except
praksah from chip on this list. This list has best of linux expert who
are willing to help chip and chip should not hesitate to take their
On second thought I feel chip should have put debian on cd. Again this
list has best of debian experts too.
Lets hope chip will learn a lesson but please do not discourage the chip
in any way and choke a linux outlet.
- --
Best Wishes.
- -mukund
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