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Re: How do I access newsgroups

Ghins Mathai forced the electrons to say:
> Hello everybody,
> What I want to do is allow people to subscribe to newsgroups and also let them post
> to the same. If anybody can help me out please do so

If you want to allow people to connect to VSNL's news server, then just put
the line 

export NNTPSERVER=news.vsnl.net.in

in your /etc/profile file. If you want your machine to act as a news server,
then download the inn package and install it. 

For newsreaders, your computer might have slrn or tin installed. Netscape also
has an inbuilt newsreader (my personal favourite is slrn), and pine also has
the facility to read news (albeit it cannot thread articles).

I am not sure if netscape looks into your environment to find out the
NNTPSERVER's name. You might have to set it in netscape's prefences menu.


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