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Re: [Frame buffer FAQ and linux logo?]

"Lokesh" <lokesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here is the FAQ for frame buffer
> http://sarcastic.net/geek/sunfaqs/FrameBuffer.html
> =

> Am still unsuccessfull in finding some info on Linux logo @ the boot up=
> Can anyone POST any URL of HOW2 or FAQ on that. mean time i just
> try giving a search on net
> =

What do you mean by that, have you looked at the Docs in the sources ? Ha=
you tried to compile a 2.2.x kernel ? Its all written there. It will not
produce the equivalent of flying windows but you will get a cute penguin =
the top. You can customize the config files to change that. You need to d=
into the source code for more info. It seems that it does not take a gif/=
file but a pixmap to generate the logo.

- -swaps

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