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Re: vgetty problems
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
> Now I have my Yamaha sound card working. But i get msg during boot that
> there is IRQ conflict. But I could play Music CD. How to compress the
Hello Mr Gandhi,
I knew you had addressed this mail to me, still I was not able to
respond, as I was heldup up something else, OK here is the answers.
I advice you to get kvoice, that is a easy and fast way to get answering
machine get working. Kvoice is avilable from KDE home (www.kde.org). I
do not think you can get an rpm, U get tgz file, compiling and installing
is quite stright forward. Once you have kvoice installed just run it (as
root), then make proper settings, in options->settings. The restart init,
that is it answering machine is up and running. Let me know if you have
any problem in this.
OK now if you do not want to get kvoice, the there is another harder way,
which will help you knowing things. Look at info vgetty. Then
/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf is the place to start. the configuration
file is well commemted, the need to edit /etc/inittab file. Once you are
ready you can put the greeting message. You have to use *pvf sound
conversion utilities* to convert wav/au files to raw modem format, there
are many tools, need to look at the command line help, as the man pages
are outdated. pvf tools comes as a part of mgetty-voice-1.1.14-2.rpm. Let
the list (and me) know if you have any problem in this.
- -Chetan S
> sound file to raw modem format and decompress it to hae4r the sound. Is
> ithe process occupy the modem. I have seen answering m/c software in
> windows occupy the modem(DTR is occupied.) Where can I get the Kvoice.
> What is the size of RPM for d/l?
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