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Re: online with linux


this happenb with certain modems only.
especially GVC modems.

try "ATh1" in the modem init string.
it will work ( it works for me !).

bye ...

>From: "Kunal Shah" <kvshah@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: linux-india@xxxxxxxxx
>To: "Linux" <linux-india@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: online with linux
>Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 10:12:31 +0530
>I have configured my modem according to atul's artical " online with Linux" 
>in march 99 pcquest.At the end of configuration he say
>Copy the file "/etc/named.conf" to "/etc/named.conf.online". Then edit the 
>file "/etc/named.conf" and remove the following 4 lines from it:
>zone "." {
>type hint;
>file "named.ca";
>Save the file.
>But i can not find any file named "named.conf" anywhere in my system.What 
>should i do.
>Another problem is when i try for connection.
>When i dial even i can hear dialtone but logwindow says there is no 
>dialtone and it stops dialing.
>I have tried it for so many strings like "AT&FX1L3S10=200" then AT&FX1 also 
>for ATZ(which is by default) but same thing is happening. I have connection 
>from ICENET in ahmedabad.
>Can anyone suggest me a way.

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