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Re: Xfree86 problem

Hi Ashish !

	If you want to install your SVGA server, pick the appropriate RPM (from the 
PCQ Cd Mar 99) from the rh52updates directory under pcq-linux.

	Your card should be supported and should have an SVGA server of it's own. 
If it doesn't have a separate server then the normal XFree86SVGA server 
should do. After installing the server, you must run XFree86Setup to 
configure the server. That should take care of things and hopefully you'll 
have your server up and running in SVGA mode ! Try reading the XFree86 HoWTO 
- -- should help a bit !

	Cheers !


>From: Ashish Agarwal <ashisha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: linux-india@xxxxxxxxx
>To: "'linux-india@xxxxxxxxx'" <linux-india@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Xfree86 problem
>Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:58:26 +0530
>    I am a Linux newbie and recently installed Linux onto my m/c from the
>PCQUEST CD-ROM. Now am getting a problem with the X-server. My card is an
>ATI Mach64 GT with Internal RAMDAC. After running Xconfigurator, gave all
>the details - the on startx, the X-server started, but the display was with
>multiple windows and I was unable to use it. The probe during Xconfigurator
>which normally finds the card VRAM failed and I manually entered the same.
>After some effort and some books, got the X-server running on VGA mode, but
>programs like GIMP don't work, they crib about display depth not set. Can
>somebody help me with this ? Also, how do I install the SVGA server, I 
>installing SVGA after installing the VGA, and Xconfigurator exited stating
>the SVGA server was not installed.
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