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Re: UNIX & Windows...????

Karthik K H wrote:

>    Now I am not trying to start a flame war here. But honestly , how many people can the Linux-builders expect to know about such intricate Hardware details.
> Though I have always loved the Unix world , for once I was really frustrated about this whole circus one has to perform when installing an Operating System!!.

It is indeed a war but Kargil style ;-(  
This list is for problem in linux and it has no place for personal
opinion of any individual. The people on this list have come out of love
of linux and voluntarily. If any one does not like linux for any reason,
he can very well leave the list gracefully without starting flame war.
So please do not put your personal opnion/views on linux and/or winduhs
on this list.

Now back to your problem, After romancing with linux for last one and
half year, I have reduced my installation time of linux from 2 days to
20 minutes. How ever after wasting two and half year on win95, I have a
p166 on which I am not able to install win95 for two full days. After
complete installation win95 simply refuses to start, (loading himem.sys
hangs). I still do not know what is going wrong. But with linux on every
step I knew what is wrong and could take proper action.

Best Wishes.
- -mukund

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