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Re: small doubt

>>"Raj" == Raj Mathur <raju@xxxxxxx> writes:

 Raj> Put restricted and password in your /etc/lilo.conf.  Then people won't 
 Raj> be able to boot with modified command-line parameters without giving
 Raj> the password first.  Of course, you may like to chmod 600
 Raj> /etc/lilo.conf too.

        You may also consider putting a bios password if there is such
 an option in your bios, and disabling the boot from floppy
 option. The drawback is that if you have a problem booting, and have
 forgoten your bios password, things can get hairy (though there are
 still ways around it).

        Of course, physical security is paramount for any _real_
 security concerns (people can yank hard drives out and put them in
 other machines to read, they can disconnect the bios battery and thus
 disbale bios passwords, as long as physical access to the machine is

        Depends on how much you values security, and how much hassle
 you are willing to tolerate for it.

- -- 
 Humor in the Court: Q: (Showing man picture.) That's you? A: Yes,
 sir. Q: And you were present when the picture was taken, right?
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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