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Re: LPD probs -Reply

telnet left 515 gives the following -

Connected to left
Escape char....

So it connects to the printer.

Problem is that any job submitted remains in the spool only.
LPC gives the following -
lpc> status
       queuing enabled
       printing enabled
       no entries

Cant locate where the problem is ..  :-(


>>> Chetan Kumar <chetansk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 06/04/99 11:34am >>>
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, AMIT KUCHERIA wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have RH5.2. When i installed it, my lpd was running fine, meaning, i
> able to print to a remote HP laserjet printer on our network.
> Now i cant. Though lpd is started, it does not stay that way.

Sorry I could not get it, what do Y mean it does not stay that. Is lpd
deamon running, you can check with 
telnet 0 515

- -Chetan S

> What could be the problem ?
> ciao,
> amit
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