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Re: Xi Graphics avail in India ??

> creation if linux-india-programmers list was a great idea. why not crea=
te a
> linux-novice or something for the newbies? that way newbies can post mo=
> then is there a danger that gurus may not pay attention to newbies?)
> =

This list is for newbies and a general list was created sometime back whe=
some people felt they could not provide much help technically but would h=
in advocacy. So I feel newbie questions should be tolerated but they shou=
ld do
their homework of searching the net first. Good places to get your answer=

www.freshmeat.net,   www.google.com/linux,  www.redhat.com/hardware
www.justlinux.com,   www.searchlinux.com,   www.linuxstart.com,
www.linuxarchives.com,   www.metalab.unc.edu/LDP,  =

www.slashdot.org -> Ask Slashdot
- -swaps

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