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Re: India is always - Linux
- Subject: Re: India is always - Linux
- From: Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 09:30:40 -0700
Indranil Das Gupta proclaimed:
> To Sudhakar : Thaths, I know that this list isn't moderated, but if some
> people like these continue to carry on in this manner that goes completely
> against the global perspective/philosophy of Linux with repeated
> violation/subvertion of the purpose of this list, should they be tolerated
> and allowed to remain on the list?
I understand the concern. In practical terms, self restraint is probably
the best way to approach the issue of posts that one disagrees with. I
absolutely refuse to kick someone off this mailing list because of a few
posts from them that seem to stir up emotions. We have to keep in mind
that some of Al Dev's posts have been informative and helpful.
Furthermore, in this day and age of numerous free email services it is
practically impossible to keep someone persistent off this list even if I
wanted to.
- --
"It all happened at the beginning of that turbulent decade known as the
Eighties. Those were idealistic days: the candidacy of John Anderson,
the rise of Supertramp. It was an exciting time to be young."
-- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave
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