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Re: GT Enterprises??

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yaa sure ....
here's the address of gt enterpriese along with the list of products they
have ....


- ----------
> From: HELP Indore <dean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: linux-india@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: GT Enterprises??
> Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 1:39 PM
> Hello,
> Can anyone help me out with the address of GT enterprises or any other
> resource where I can get the latest $ 99.95 Redhat Linux 6.0 pack which
> comes with 6 CD's full of powertools and goodies and also has 3 manuals.
> Has anyone purchased it?
> VaibhaV
> webmaster@xxxxxxxxx
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------------------------
> VaibhaV Sharma
> webmaster@xxxxxxxxx
> Incharge
> Higher Education Library Project (http://www.mgmmc.edu/help)
> Mahatma Gandhi memorial Medical College, (http://www.mgmmc.edu)
> Indore
> India
> Fax: (561) 382-6358
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> For more information on Linux in India visit http://www.linux-india.org/
> To unsubscribe from this list send an email to majordomo@xxxxxxxxx with
> words 'unsubscribe linux-india' (without the quotes) in the body of the
> email.
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{\title Our Ref : GT/RERHAT/QUOTE}{\author TARANATH}{\operator =
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\s16\qc\widctlpar \b\f4\fs40\ul PRICELIST FOR LINUX SOFTWARES
\par \pard\plain \widctlpar \f4\fs20 {\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs24\ul Sl #\tab Description\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab =
Qty\tab \tab Price}{\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs24\ul LINUX OPERATING SYSTEMS :-}{\fs24=20
\par 01\tab Official RedHat Linux 6.0\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 02\tab Official RedHat Linux Extra\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 5750/-
\par 03\tab Official Redhat Core\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 04\tab Official Caldera Linux 2.2\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 2995/-
\par 05\tab Official S.u.SE Linux 6.1\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 06\tab Official Slackware 3.6\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 2500/-
\par 07\tab Official Debian 2.1\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 08\tab Official Mandrake Linux 5.3\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 2995/-
\par 09\tab Linux Variety Pack from RedHat\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 10\tab Linux Developer Resource from Infomagic\tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 2500/-
\par 11\tab Linux Toolkit\tab from Walnut Creek\tab \tab \tab 01\tab =
\tab Rs. 1750/-
\par 12\tab FreeBSD 3.1\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 13\tab Turbo Linux 3.0.1 from Walnut Creek\tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 14\tab Turbo Linux for PowerPC\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 15\tab Mk Linux 3.0 from Prime Time\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par }{\b\fs24\ul LINUX  OFFICE SUITES :-}{\fs24=20
\par 01\tab Linux Office Suite 99 from SuSE\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 3650/-
\par 02\tab Applixware 4.4.1 from Applix\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 5750/-
\par 03\tab Star Office 5.0 Personal Edition from Star Division\tab =
01\tab \tab Rs. 2995/-
\par 04\tab Word Perfect for Linux 8.0 from Corel\tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 3500/-
\par }{\b\fs24\ul LINUX ARCHIVES}{\fs24=20
\par 01\tab Linux Archives from Infomagic\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 02\tab Linux Off-line from RedHat\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 1550/-
\par 03\tab Linux Snapshot from SuSE\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 04\tab Linux Archive 99 from Cheapbyte\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 499/-
\par 05\tab Linux Software Archive from Linux Central\tab \tab 01\tab =
\tab Rs. 499/-
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\b\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs24\ul OTHER LINUX SOFTWARE'S/BUNDLES}{\b\fs24=20
\par }{\fs24 01\tab Linux Power Tools from RedHat\tab \tab \tab 01\tab =
\tab Rs. 2995/-
\par 02\tab Linux Library\tab from RedHat\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 1750/-
\par 03\tab Linux Rough Cuts from RedHat\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 04\tab Extreme Linux from RedHat\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 05\tab GNU Distribution\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 06\tab GNU Tools ++ \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 1800/-
\par 07\tab Linux Games ++ Vol4\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 08\tab The Complete FreeBSD\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par \page=20
\par }{\b\fs24\ul GUI-TOOLS
\par }{\fs24=20
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\fs24 01\tab Accelerated-X Server 5.0 from Xi =
Graphics\tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 4995/-
\par 02\tab RedHat Motif 2.1.10\tab from RedHat\tab \tab \tab 01\tab =
\tab Rs. 8750/-
\par 03\tab MaXimum CDE 1.2.1 from Xi Graphics\tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\b\fs24\ul PROGRAMMING/DATABASE =
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar {\b\f45\fs24\ul=20
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\fs24 01\tab Cygnus GNU Pro Toolkit\tab \tab =
\tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 4500/-
\par 02\tab Cygnus Source Navigator\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 03\tab Cygnus Source Navigator & GNU Pro Toolkit\tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 10995/-
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar {\b\f45\fs24\ul=20
\par }{\i\f45\fs24\ul 04\tab FlagShip Release 4.48}{\i\f45\fs24=20
\par }{\f45\fs24=20
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar\box\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 {\f45\fs24 System =
Group\tab \tab \tab Personal  \tab FlagShip\tab Printed\tab Upgrade =20
\par see details below\tab \tab \tab FlagShip    \tab Pro\tab \tab =
Manual\tab Pers->Pro=20
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar\box\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 =
\brdrbtw\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 {\f45\fs24 1 Linux on x86 processors\tab  =
10,560\tab 27,720 \tab 7,040 \tab \tab 17,160=20
\par 2 Unix for x86 PCs\tab \tab \tab 47,960\tab 1,77,320\tab  incl.\tab =
\tab 1,31,956=20
\par 3 Workstations,Servers\tab \tab 78,760\tab 2,65,320\tab incl.\tab =
\tab 1,90,916=20
\par 4 Mainframe,Superservers  \tab 1,18,360\tab 3,5,720\tab incl.\tab =
\tab 2,21,716=20
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar {\f45\fs24=20
\par }{\i\f45\fs24\ul FS2-Toolbox Price in Rs.}{\f45\fs24=20
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar\box\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 {\f45\fs24 System =
Group\tab \tab \tab Personal  \tab FlagShip\tab Printed\tab Upgrade =20
\par see details below\tab \tab \tab FlagShip    \tab Pro\tab \tab =
Manual\tab Pers->Pro=20
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar {\f45\fs24=20
\par }\pard \qj\nowidctlpar\box\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 =
\brdrbtw\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 {\f45\fs24 1 Linux on x86 processors\tab =
9,240\tab \tab 20,680    \tab 7,040 \tab \tab 13,200=20
\par 2 Unix for x86 PCs        \tab \tab 32,120     \tab 89,320    \tab =
incl. \tab \tab 63,800=20
\par 3 Workstations,Servers    \tab \tab 45,320   \tab 1,33,320    \tab =
incl. \tab \tab 96,800 =20
\par 4 Mainframe,Superservers  \tab 69,960   \tab 1,77,320    \tab incl. =
\tab \tab 1,18,800}{\b\fs24 \tab=20
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\b\fs24=20
\par }{\fs24 01\tab RedHat Linux 6.0\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 02\tab RedHat Source 5.2/6.0\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par 03\tab RPM Galore Vol I\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 299/-
\par 04\tab Linux Archives 99\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 499/-
\par 05\tab Caldera 1.3/2.2\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par 06\tab Debian 2.0/2.1\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par 07\tab Debian Add on kit \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 499/-
\par 09\tab Stampede Linux\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par 10\tab Turbo Linux\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par 11\tab Free BSD 3.0/3.1\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 299/-
\par 12\tab Linux Mondo Pack - 8 CD Set\tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 1250/-
\par \page=20
\par 13\tab Power Pack - 6 CD Set\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 995/-
\par 14\tab Slackware 3.6\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par 15\tab RedHat Linux 5.2 for Alpha\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par 16\tab RedHat Linux 5.2  for Sparc\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. =
\par {\pntext\pard\plain 17\tab}}\pard =
\qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlbody\pndec\pnf4\pnstart17\pnindent720\pnhang}{\fs24 Linux Software =
Archives\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 499/-
\par {\pntext\pard\plain 18\tab}}\pard =
\qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlbody\pndec\pnf4\pnstart18\pnindent720\pnhang}{\fs24 KDE & =
Gnome\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par {\pntext\pard\plain 19\tab}}\pard =
\qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\tx720{\*\pn =
\pnlvlbody\pndec\pnf4\pnstart19\pnindent720\pnhang}{\fs24 WordPerfect =
for Linux \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 199/-
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\fs24=20
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\b\fs24\ul CAD APPLICATION FOR LINUX/Windows =
\par 01\tab }{\b\fs24 VARICAD 3D/2D Mechanical Engineering CAD =
System}{\fs24 \tab \tab .=20
\par \tab DESIGN Has never been Easier.
\par }\pard \li720\widctlpar {\cs15\b\fs24 V}{\fs24 ariCAD is a powerful =
tool for realizing your ideas. You will adapt to=20
\par our software quickly as VariCAD is highly interactive and user =
\par There are various techniques and approaches to suit your style and =
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\fs24=20
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux (Download via internet) \tab \tab \tab \tab =
\tab 14,476.00 =20
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux (with support via internet, CD-ROM included) =
\tab \tab 24,156.00 =20
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux (2  pack with support via internet, CD-ROM =
included)\tab 28,556.00.=20
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux (3  pack with support via internet, CD-ROM =
included)\tab 35,556.00.=20
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux (5  pack with support via internet, CD-ROM =
included)\tab 52,750.00.=20
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux (10  pack with support via internet, CD-ROM =
included)\tab 90,750.00
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux (one year-upgrade, CD-ROM included) \tab \tab =
\tab 2,350.00=20
\par VariCAD 7.0 for Linux ( Education version ) \tab \tab \tab \tab =
\tab Rs.9,550.00.
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\b\fs24\ul LINUX-BOOKS}{\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs24=20
\par }{\fs24 01\tab Linux Undercover from RedHat\tab \tab \tab \tab =
01\tab \tab Rs. 2800/-
\par 02\tab Linux Complete Command Reference from RedHat\tab \tab 01\tab =
\tab Rs. 2950/-
\par 03\tab Linux Application Development from RedHat\tab \tab 01\tab =
\tab Rs. 2500/-
\par 04\tab RedHat 5.2 Installation Guide from RedHat\tab \tab \tab =
01\tab \tab Rs. 750/-
\par 05\tab Maximum RPM from RedHat\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab =
Rs. 1750/-
\par 06\tab Linux The Complete Reference from Walnut Creek\tab \tab =
01\tab \tab Rs. 2500/-
\par 07\tab Linux Encyclopedia 6}{\fs24\super th}{\fs24  Edition\tab =
\tab \tab \tab 01\tab \tab Rs. 2500/-
\par 08\tab How to Use Linux \endash  Book with CD\tab \tab \tab \tab =
01\tab \tab Rs. 1500/-
\par 09\tab Teach Yourself Linux in 10 Minutes\tab \tab \tab \tab 01\tab =
\tab Rs. 750/-
\par \tab=20
\par Many more books for Linux available as below:=20
\par }\trowd \trgaph108\trleft-108 \cellx3075\cellx6258\cellx9441 \pard =
\qj\widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 RedHat Installation Guide\cell Linux for =
Dummies\cell Linux Multimedia Guide\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 =
\row }\trowd \trgaph108\trleft-108 \cellx3075
\cellx6258\cellx9441 \pard \qj\widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 RedHat =
Unleashed\cell Linux User\rquote s Resource\cell Linux Kernel =
Internals\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 \row }\pard =
\qj\widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 Running Linux\cell Linux Programming\cell=20
Linux in a Nutshell\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 \row }\pard =
\qj\widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 The Linux Database\cell Linux Network =
Toolkit\cell Linux Device Drivers\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 =
\row }\pard \qj\widctlpar\intbl {\fs24=20
The Linux Internet Server\cell Linux Net Administrator Gide\cell Linux =
A-Z\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 \row }\pard \qj\widctlpar\intbl =
{\fs24 A Practical Guide to Linux\cell Building a Linux Internet\cell =
Linux User Guide\cell }\pard=20
\widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 \row }\trowd \trgaph108\trleft-108 =
\cellx3075\cellx6258\cellx9441 \pard \qj\widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 Linux =
System Administrator
\par Hand Book\cell Inside Linux : A look at OS development\cell Linux : =
Installation, Configuration & use\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl {\fs24 =
\row }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\fs24=20
\par }\pard \qj\fi720\widctlpar {\b\fs24 MANY MORE =
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\fs24=20
\par \page=20
\par }\pard \qj\fi720\widctlpar {\b\fs24 MANY MORE =
\par \tab \tab \tab=20
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar {\b\fs24\ul OTHER COOL STUFFS}{\b\fs24 \tab =
\tab :\tab }{\fs24=20
\par }{\b\fs24=20
\par }{\fs24 Penguin Power T- Shirt\tab :\tab Rs. 95.00
\par Penguin Power Polo \endash  Shirt\tab :\tab Single Play  Rs. =
125.00\tab :\tab Double Play  Rs. 125.00
\par Penguin the TUX\tab \tab :\tab Available in 6\rdblquote , =
10\rdblquote , 14\rdblquote=20
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\fs24 Penguin Power Mouse Pad\tab :\tab Rs. 20 =
for Foam and Rs. 35 for Velvette
\par Penguin Power Sticker\tab :\tab Rs. 15
\par }{\b\fs24 \tab \tab=20
\par Terms :
\par }{\fs24=20
\par Taxes\tab \tab : No Taxes Applicable
\par Payment\tab : }{\fs22 100% in Advance by Demand Draft payable at =
Bangalore in favour of G.T.Enterprises=20
\par }{\fs24 Delivery\tab : Ex-Stock - if stock lost 2 Wks.
\par Validity\tab : 30 Days
\par Shipping charges extra at actuals.\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab =
\par }\pard \nowidctlpar {\fs24 Hope you find this offer interesting.
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\fs24 Please feel free to contact us for further =
\par Thanking you and looking forward to hear from you.
\par Best Regards
\par For G.T.Enterprises
\par }\pard \nowidctlpar=20
\par }
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