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Re: HI
On Mon, 31 May 1999, shobhan wrote:
+ Is it possible to send a frame by using the following setup
+ sockid = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPROTO_IP);
+ Can I able send ethernet frames by using the following socket. I
+ can send frames
+ through SOCK_PACKET. Will the same be able to send through SOCK_RAW.
+ Please clarify my doubt, if any one who send ethernetframes trhogh
Acc. to <linux/socket.h>, SOCK_PACKET is a linux specific to get packets
at dev level. AFAIK, SOCK_RAW does not allow to capture just any packets
on the network, but only IP or ICMP.
LSF is something similar, supported in 2.1.x kernels.
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