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Re: Linux on AMD K6 ***WARNING***

Rajiv Dhinakaran wrote:
> Attn: Shankar Balan,  The AMD-K6 pre 300's are ideal for overclocking.  I
> have been using a 266 at 300 for over a year now.  But all K6-2's come
> 'factory overclocked'.  I lost a K6/2-333 by overclocking it to 350!!!  It
> now refuses to run at any speed above 300.  I also tried overclocking a 380
> at 400, it just refused to run at 400.  So forget about overclocking *any*
> K6/2's.
> If you are looking at overclocking processors I would recommend the P-II
> (Deschutes) and Celerons.  I have successfully overclocked a PII-300 at
> 450MHz and a Celeron 366 at 458.

Basically over clocking increases the heat generated in core of cpu.
Since the core size is very small, heat dissipation is less and
temperature rises is more. The semiconductor usually fails due to high

Over clocking is recommended up to 120% of rated clock (even by intel
but not for PIII), above that you will be deep frying your cpu. It may
work up to 150% but then life of cpu will be reduced drastically. If a
300 Mhz cpu works at 450 Mhz, then intel would have marketed as 450 Mhz
and earned few more dollars ;-)

For even 120% over clocking you will have to provide extra cooling. 

Best Wishes.
- -mukund

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