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Re: Linux on Toshiba 200CDS

>>>>> "Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxx> writes:

    Arun> On Tue, May 25, 1999 at 12:08:14PM +0530, A. Abdul Hazeeb
    Arun> wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> I loaded RH Linux 5.2 onto a Toshiba 200 CDS notebook. The OS
    >> uses only a part of the LCD display area (in text mode) and the
    >> mouse (AccuPoint) does not go beyond this area.

    Arun> Haven't seen this one before. Could you give us a rough idea
    Arun> about what this area is like ? Is this a smaller rectangle
    Arun> contained in the screen or is it the right/left half of the
    Arun> screen ?

I've seen similar things on an IBM notebook (ThinkPad IIRC) when the X 
resolution didn't match the full screen resolution (e.g. X running at
800x600 on a 1024x768 LCD display).  Since LCD display have no method
of scaling (no electron beam), the 800x600 occupies only
(800*600)/(1024*768)*100 percent of the screen.  The lower the
resolution, the less the area of the screen occupied by the X display.


- -- Raju

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