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Re: Mail distribution

"L.V.Gandhi" wrote:
> > server, and menu based interface (and some hacking too ;-) )
> When you say linux server, is it apache? How about smtp and pop3 servers
> in linux.

No, the apache server is for http. Linux server means , it has all the
server httpd, smtp, pop3, linuxconf and many more. You can check which
servers are running by ntsysv or linuxconf or netstat. Or telnet to 110
(pop3) and 25 (smtp) and see if you get some welcome message.

> Can get some pointers for relevant docs.
> > Now your other offices can log in via modem get a menu base interface or
> > pop3 / smtp sever via shell prompt. To them your server would be exactly
> > similar to vsnl sever.
> >
> > You can log to real vsnl server (may be by another modem) periodically.
> > Use sendmail to send all the users mail and fetchmail + procmail to get
> > and distribute incoming mail.
> As the To: address is same say, mecvizag@xxxxxxxx, for all mails, hw to
> segregate it automatically. Is there any way I can give seperate
> addresses? HOw to go about it?

If your linux server has users as office1, office2 etc., their email
address will be  office1<mecvizag@xxxxxxxx> etc.. You can further divide
this address to  user1.office1<mecvizag@xxxxxxxx> 

With this address,

vsnl server will send and receive all mail to mecvizag@xxxxxxxx
Your linux server will read office* and sort the mail.
The mail client at you other offices will read user* and sort mail.

In netscape you will have to set different profile for each user.

Best Wishes.
- -mukund

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