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Re: Mail distribution

mukund wrote:
> "L.V.Gandhi" wrote:
> >
> > As I have already written, I am downloading mail using netscape for a
> > single address. I am thinking of forwarding to various user accounts
> > manually. But I want users from various offices to dial and collect
> > their mails. How my linux m/c and their windows m/c should be
> > configured?
> It is not clear if you are using netscape on linux? However *only* linux
> can do what you want do ;-)

Yes. Iam using netscape on linux.

> So I presume you have linux server , and your *other*  offices are
> located in other part of city. OK.

Yes. You are absolutely correct. 

> You will have to configure your linux server exactly similar to VSNL
> server.
> Which allows dial in shell (or even tcp/ip) connection, pop3 and smtp
> server, and menu based interface (and some hacking too ;-) )

When you say linux server, is it apache? How about smtp and pop3 servers
in linux.
Can get some pointers for relevant docs.
> Now your other offices can log in via modem get a menu base interface or
> pop3 / smtp sever via shell prompt. To them your server would be exactly
> similar to vsnl sever.
> You can log to real vsnl server (may be by another modem) periodically.
> Use sendmail to send all the users mail and fetchmail + procmail to get
> and distribute incoming mail.

As the To: address is same say, mecvizag@xxxxxxxx, for all mails, hw to
segregate it automatically. Is there any way I can give seperate
addresses? HOw to go about it?
- -- 
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