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Root perms to few users

On Wed, May 26, 1999 at 09:32:27AM +0530, manas garg wrote:
> Apart from this, you will also set the suid bit of these files, for they
> require root's priviledges to work. But the problem is that it will give
> the right to execute these files to all the users on the system.
> I have a related question. How do I give a user some priviledges of root??

Explore the sudo package (if it is installed on your system). Otherwise, get
it and install it - I am sure there is an rpm somewhere. Run the command
visudo, it will fire up your editor with the file /etc/sudoers (never manually
edit this file). Add the users you wish to have SU perms and the commands you
want them to have access to in this file. Then they can execute these commands
as sudo command. It will prompt them for their passwds, and then execute the
command. It will be a good idea not to let users have access to shells and
editors. Also, keep checking the log file to find out what your users were


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