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Re: OSS Web servers (Read Apache) usage

On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Pavan K Balellugari wrote:

 |For indian web servers ( .in servers )
 |Srvr     March_Cnt %March Feb_Cnt %February %Chng 
 |Apache    271      42.41%    283    43.74%  -1.33% 
 |Microsoft 158      24.73%    151    23.34%  +1.39% 
 |Total web servers with .in 639

very few people use the .co.in domain names... I think most people use
.com .net etc (including ISPS in india!! vsnl.com vsnl.net sify.com etc 
) and a LOT of people here have their servers co-located in the US.
(We certainly have a LOT more than 639 servers in our country!!!)

 |For Pakistan web server ( .pk servers )
 |Srvr     March_Cnt %March Feb_Cnt %February %Chng 
 |Apache    358      81.55%    339    80.33%  +1.22% 
 |Microsoft  51      11.62%     52    12.32%  -0.70% 
 |Total web servers with .in 439

I hope they were smart enough to find out if the machines were unique or
not... coz once upon a time when I went snooping into paki territory I
noticed that a LOT of their govt. websites were hosted on a couple of
servers.(multiple IPs but same physical machine)

 |Just thought i would point this out that, indian
 |servers are reducing to use use OSS where are pakistan
 |is pretty much up on this one.. surprising...

around 1000 servers for 1.5 billion+ people ??? the survey is innaccurate


	        .:: Kingsly John                ICQ 14787510 ::.
            .:: Linux 2.4.3 #5 Sun Apr 8 17:10:55 IST 2001 i686 ::.
           `:. Posted to the list on Tue Apr 17 09:23:42 IST 2001 .:'