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Re: CUI utils on an ultra sleek client...

Mayuresh A Kathe rearranged electrons thusly:

> But still, please tell me, it I can fit it within my space contraints, 
> I am gonna use it as a personal computer and would also require some 
> sort of security features...
 Go to http://www.mutt.org - you can do a lot with mutt that you could only
 dream about using pine (there are several pages linked to telling you just
 that - in far more detail) :)

> for the times they are a changin'
>  - Bob Daylan

ITYM Dylan - great song :)

Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin