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Torvalds trashes Mac OS X...
People might find this funny (coming from me ;-)
Got the following stuff in my mailbox from a Mac newsletter site...
> Subject: [Article] MacOS X is 'crap' - Torvalds
> From: "Jason Haines" <matreya@xxxxxxx>
> Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 22:12:44 +1000
> MacOS X is 'crap' - Torvalds
> By: Tony Smith - The Register
> Linus Torvalds has spoken. Apple's MacOS X, he says, is "a piece
> of crap".
> To be fair, it's actually MacOS X's kernel, Mach, which the Linux
> creator so
> dislikes. The quote comes from Torvalds forthcoming autobiography,
> entitled
> Just for Fun, and continues: "[Mach] contains all the design
> mistakes you
> can make, and manages to even make up a few of its own."
> That won't please Steve Jobs, who tried to get Torvalds working on
> the
> next-generation Mac operating system back in 1997, not long after
> taking
> over at Apple.
> And it's particularly ironic given that one of MacOS X's selling
> points is
> that it's based on Unix. The OS' core, dubbed Darwin, is derived
> from BSD.
> More here: <http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/18162.html>
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