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[OT]Re: Of wget, resuming and ISPs

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, ewzi spewed into the ether:
> DOT = Pure Power with plenty of bandwidth and no proxing, all money
> on Buying Bandwitdh
> Satyam = illusionary Bandwidth with proxies to speed up and money
> only to spend on Ads
Just to make a small point here: 
I work at a small ISP, and from what I know, bandwidth is relatively 
cheap (around Rs 50000/mth/MB).
However, the physical connectivity through DoT (now BSNL) costs us much 
more than that (about twice) driving costs up to Rs 150000/mth/MB.
This forces us to cache, and squeeze bandwidth.
We are seriously considering using a private operator to provide us 
with connectivity to our redundant link instead of BSNL, simply because 
BSNL goes down so often nowdays.
I would say that VSNL actually open up its gateways, lower bandwidth 
costs, and BSNL lower connectivity costs.
That sure will help us much more.

Devdas Bhagat