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My 2 paisa contribution to Linux.

	I've finally got around to packaging some of the utilities I've
been working on for a long time : LDAPUtils, which is a set of perl
scripts to perform user management for LDAP based user accounts. It
additionally supports fields compatible with samba-tng, so that any users
you create will automatically be able to login to a samba-tng based
server from windows clients : the first Open Source way I know to get
integrated windows/unix domain logons with a single user directory.

I've setup a sourceforge page for it
(http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/ldaputils) and am looking for beta
testers to play around with it before I make a freshmeat announcement.

The copyright is GPL, but that's only cause I don't care enough about
copyrights to go hunting for one that suits me. ;)


Sometimes a man will tell his bartender things he'll never tell his doctor.
		-- Dr. Phillip Boyce, "The Menagerie" ("The Cage"),
		   stardate unknown.