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Re: Experience the New Windows

-----Original Message-----
From: maricha <maricha_t@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2001 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: [LIG] Experience the New Windows

>I have been following this thread and it seems to me interesting.. and i
>have the following observations to make...
>It is true IMHO that windows is a bit more easier to use..i have a lot of
>experience using windoz and some experience using linux.. I personally
>believe that windows is aimed more for the casual and the non-techy that
>the others..(specifically the 9x series)..

You are overlooking dreaded worm, which gets install even if you open a .doc
And chew your hard disk.

Mukund Deshmukh
Beta Computronics Pvt. Ltd.
Web Site - www.betacomp.com