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Re: Experience the New Windows

Atul Chitnis rearranged electrons thusly:

> In general, Linux installs perfectly fine on most machines. I was actually
> trying to focvus the discussion on the post-install experience that gets
> users productive quickly, and familiarising them with what's available.
ILUG-HYD (or more specifically Doc Partha of IlugHyd) is doing that too :)  Doc
Partha already has a linux pre-installation checklist that's a part of the LDP
(and is linked from linux.org).

He's currently writing a _post_ installation checklist (and some useful startup
scripts etc) for newbies to get up and running [quick|easy|safe]ly with linux.

> Downplay the tech (assume pre-installed!) and focus on productivity and
> applications.
Yeah - linux has _far_ to go as an "everyday use home PC" for the vast majority
of users.  This is not, however, *linux's* core strength (which is as a server
/ workstation / power user OS).  

It may be some distro's core strength (Mandrake, Corel Linux, Caldera etc are
extremely user-friendly and usable) though - and a user-friendly distro
(perhaps customized to Indian needs) is needed to enhance productivity /

A distro being a set of prepackaged apps, the choice (and nature) of apps /
tools in the distro is vital if you want to focus on enhancing productivity /
applications.  Installation is just one very minor part of the whole picture.


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin
"What separates normal people from kooks is how they react when people disagree
with them or tell them "NO"  <-- Ron Ritzman on news.admin.net-abuse.email