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REPORT: Linux Goa meet of Feb 17

Some issues that came up... for those who missed the meet:
* We began at 3 pm, with a close look at KDE2, installed on
   FN's box by Arvind.
* Animesh explained what he saw as the pluses and minuses
   of the new version of the K-Desktop. He faced some problems
   in visiting egroups, explained about screen RAM settings, and
   pointed to other features. On the K-Office package, the feeling
   was: "neat, good job... but a bit buggy still".
* Followed a brief debate  about Newsgroups, and how these
  could be accessed.
* Discussion on the five free OSs circulated by PC-Quest in its
   Jan 2001 issue. Animesh said MicroLinux installs (including
   X-Windows) in just 20MB of harddisc space.
* Tips were shared on how to allow Pine and Kmail to
   co-exist on one machine, for e-mail purposes.
* Dr Anil Seth of Philcorp gave a detailed exposition of his firm's
   use of Postgres databases. There was rapt attention as he
   spoke, and many thought-provoking queries came up soon.
* ONE REQUEST from ILUGers is that those who have not
   yet posted to this mailing-list may please send in your
   suggestions on how to make our monthly meetings more
   relevant to your needs. Tell us what subjects you'd like to
   hear about.
* GAURAV of PCC suggested that perhaps the meetings
   could be held "more regularly". Any responses to that?
   Would any of our members like to form their own chapters
   of ILUG-Goa... maybe at the college-level?
* There are currently 74 members on the Linux Goa (ILUG-Goa)
   mailing-list. Not a bad figure for a state of our size! But we can
   surely do more... Recommend it to your friends!
* CSI, the Computer Society of India (our hosts for Linux meetings
   in Goa) holds its Western Regional Conference on the theme
   of IT in Tourism, on Feb 22-23. Do check it out. There's a paper
   on Linux in IT, to be presented by Prakash Advani.... Subject
   to confirmation.
SEND IN FEEDBACK/COMMENTS Ilug-goa@xxxxxxxxxxx