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Re: Re: [ilug-goa] LINK: Bang!Linux 2001 March 05-07

On Sun, Feb 11, 2001 at 10:45:52AM -0800, dodobh@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>I dunno bout the reduced cost, but last year I had attended Bang!inux (two days for Rs 2500) and I must say that I would have been willing to pay 5000 for the same event (Plus I got two very useful books from there, courtsey WROX. so my effective cost was harldy 1500+travel.
>So 9500 for three days is pretty reasonable, IMHO, because of the value they provide.
>Lets see if I can get some leaves...........

If you do come...feel free to give me a call. :-)


Biju Chacko        | biju@xxxxxxxxxxx (work)            
Exocore Consulting | biju_chacko@xxxxxxxxx (play)
Bangalore, India   | http://www.exocore.com