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Re: Re: setting up mirrors

Atul Chitnis posts:

> I request you to stop targeting people with your filth,
> just because they work for Exocore 

I was not targeting *people* with filth.  Why should I 
target *Exocore IT workers* ?  I have got this to say....

When I posted to LIG and LIH about listers upgrading blindly
to RHL 7.0, it was shouted out vaguely by ur so called competent
*IT workers*, all done up with their proud Exocore sig.  I did
not feel slighted then 'coz I knew these *kids* had no clue of
what is going to come.  My posting proved right.  Did not Linus
Torvalds accuse RH on bumping off a release with a shaky base ??
Who gained and who lost ?

It really hurts when the truth is blurted out.  Can U predict me ?
I have nothing against a person who behaves as if he is a know-all.

> At Exocore, we employ people based on their organizational and 
> technical skills, not on the basis of sycophancy 

I never did raise the question of your Organizational methods.  But
I see from all the posts both here and in LIH that U have mustered 
up a bunch of chaps to clap to your bidding as if their cheer-leader
Atul Chitnis is correct.  Of course, I  have absolute confidence in 
you and your sycophants' technical skills.

> You are intentionally and maliciously besmirching the name of our
> firm with your allegations, and are insulting hard-working people 
> who are doing an excellent job here at Exocore

Why should I ?  I do not stand to gain anything monetarily out of
besmirching the name of your firm.  I know that your hard-working
*IT workers* are doing an excellent job and most of them are good.

> People post under their Exocore IDs not because they are forced 
> to do so

I think they are all forced to show off their technical skills with
their Exocore Ids, 'coz their <boss1> has bided them to it.

----<guessing wildly>---

Please show of your skills with Exocore sig on so that all listers
come to know that Exocore is a good company to work with.  Later on
it will be easy for us here to recruit people via the list or via 
word of mouth at the Bangalore User Group meeting.  Do U know that 
we control the proceedings of the BLUG ?  One of U is the Co-ordinator
of the Bangalore User Group and mind U, he is competent.  Look here,
your co-ordinator is from Exocore...NOW Join Exocore !!

----<guessing wildly>---

> None of these people have done *anything* to you, so I do not 
> understand where your anti-Exocore delusion/mania comes from 

I do not have any anti-Exocore mania.  I sincerely appreciate all that
Exocore has done to the ILUG effort in India.  Or has it really ??

> why you start helplessly frothing at the mouth everytime one of them
> posts to the LI lists

Why should I be helpless ? I have nothing to lose.  I froth at the mouth
when one of your *IT workers'* start defending their <boss1> with the 
Organization sig on.  I appreciate good posts which I also look up to.
I have learnt from them and still am.

> Your intention appears to be to discourage people from joining us and 
> drag down those who already work for us.

Can U give me a reason for why I should do that ?  It seems that <boss1>
over at Exocore wants to dominate things at the LIG list.  It seems as if 
U want to control everything over here.

> Don't force us to resort to legal remedies to protect our colleagues from
> your public hemorrhages of slander.

I do not question your legal remedies.  This is *free* country and I am in no
way slandering your *IT workers*.  Please ask them to stop their public 
gestures of *sycophancy* towards their <boss1/x/whatever>.

> You are making a mockery of Linux India this way.

Linux is the kernel of the system called as GNU.  I hold the GNU in high esteem
and hence would in no way make mockery of an organization which has an avowed
objective of spreading the ways and means of its kernel in India.

Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.........Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W     FREE..Debian GNU/${kernel}