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Re: Re: Re: setting up mirrors

Raghavendra Bhat rearranged electrons thusly:

> Let us ask VSNL in all cities and I request the ILUG
> to pool in its vast influence to persuade VSNL/other 
> ISPs to colocate servers which mirror all distributions
> of GNU/Linux so that the user at large benefits.  Let

That would be a bit counter productive, as divisive influences exist within
LUGs as well.  Sad but true fact - it's not very easy to run anything by
committee (take a look at our fine government for an example) :)

So, let the lugs spread the word among ISPs, corporates, whoever.  But PLEASE
maintain a strict hands-off policy and let the guy who sets up the server
retain total control over it.  Chances are, it'll be some linuxer anyway.

Involving a LUG in a day-to-day activity (with some commercial potential, such
as when accepting banner ads etc) is a recipe for politics, and then onwards to

> individual LUGs decide on who the FTP Admin should be,
> make sure U send a tech-savvy person and not a monk**.
> Please no FREE Email Id thingie here and no suggestions
> from any $DEITIES !!
I'm not a $DEITY of any sort, I'm just yet another lower middle class sysadmin.
So here are my two cents.  Keep the individual LUGS out of this kind of
decision making, please.  Let the sponsor run it himself.

If you dont like the way the server is being run, you can always find some
server in a nearby city which is being run OK.

ObCAUCE (for me at least); These mirrors will remain just that, mirrors.  No
"registration", "collection of mail ids" and "email-marketing" to users
allowed, I hope :)


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin