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Re: linux courses

this is what i call as the bare truth. these people r out there just for the sake of making quick buck. even i fell for such a trap but got
out of it in time. must say that u should quit and save ur money and time. also the knowledge of profs at such institutes is as good as

Truncheon fx wrote:

> hi everybody out there at ilug ,
>        As linux is getting more and more popular,linux courses are croping up here and there
> but how good are these courses .An average user who
> joins these courses to improve his skills and learn more sometimes ends up in just enhancing
> the pockets of these course conductors.I am writing all these because i happened to do
> a SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION course offered by an NIIT center.Eventhough the courseware contains chapters
> about setting up a webserver ,nfs,dns e.t.c   most of these were like doing kernal hacking for the instructor
> who was taking classes for me
> not to mention about how much a student will get from such a training in which the instructor
> will sit with a book and try out all the stuff in the book and if he manage to succeed in
> any of the task he will be explainig what he understood from all those experiments he has done
> to setup a webserver or what ever he was trying to do(may have ended up in setting up some thing else).
> Even if it is possible to learn linux with a book and a linux box ,to learn what linux can do in a networking
> environment I believe  it is necessary to work in a networked environment and is desirable to have
> somebody trained in linux to help you.For a student who has limitted resources in his college
> have to rely on these type of institutes which are just seeing linux as another resource to fill
> their pocket resulting in linux system administration certificate holders who dont even know how to mount
> a nfs or to setp a dns server.oh please don't ask about firewalling ,remotebooting and all those stuff these words
> sounds alien to me.
>                             hope this will help those who are planning to do some linux course from falling
> into the pitfalls of educ@tiobn Buisness.
>   #Don't go for a course because the course is offered by a well known institute.
> may be the course is good bu your local fanchisee  may not have trained staff to take this courses but still want to offer these course
> just for money.
> In my case the institute was a wellknown institute but the instructor himself have old me that he is trying out all
> these things for the first time in hs life,he was seeing the course ware for the first time on the third day or so
> Even the administrative authorties were not bothered about how the course was going on .(I had reported this to one of the
> officials who just laughed at it and was not even ready to look ino the matter .
>                                                                                                 Girish<truncheon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>                                                                                                 *******/////////////////////////
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