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LINK: Linux-Goa meeting, Oct 28... some notes from a meeting


* WE BEGAN at 4 pm sharp. There was a record attendance of members, to an
almost-full CSI hall. Thanks to all of you who have been keeping this
mailing-list active, and building interest in the issue.

* BEGAN WITH A ROUND of introductions, even as a number of new members

* OUR NEW ATTENDEES Included engineering students from PCC-Verna, NIO
scientists, ingoa.com proprietor Sandeep Verenkar, etc. 

* PROF GURUNANDAN "GURU" BHAT made the point that anyone wanting to host web
servers simply didn't have the choice. Apart from missing out on a better
product, non-Linux users of proprietorial software would be "set back" by at
least Rs 150,000 for licensed copies of products such as NT, IAS, Exchange, he
said. Prof Bhat added, "Make no mistake about it, Microsoft Exchange 2000 is a
superb product. But you have to pay by the number of email IDs you give out."

* THERE WAS AN INTERESTING debate on what would be the best option of using
Linux in schools. On this issue it was felt that any plan to install Linux
should consider (i) need for local handholding for the school (ii) constraints
laid down by syllabus requirements (iii) limitations of the hardware available
(iv) different workable technical options (v) whether Linux could be used
entirely for one school, or spread out to do part of the functions in a number
of schools.

* ARVIND SUGGESTED the plan of installing Linux entirely in one school was
workable. Prof Bhat was in favour of installing Linux servers that would do
the job of proxy and mail-servers. Shankar pointed out to the mismatch between
the hardware-software available, and the syllabus requirements. Since this
discussion brought in many finer issues, it is not possible to reflect all
concerns through this summary. Perhaps those interested could follow up the
debate through the mailing-list, in between meetings. Many speakers were keen
to study the workability of Younis Shaikh's discless-nodes-with-server model
which is up and running in Ponda. "I don't mind going to Ponda to see it," said

* IN A RUN-UP TO the shortly-due Bangalore IT.COM exhibition, Prof Bhat gave a
sneak-preview of his three talks to be delivered at this venue. Incidentally,
ILUG-Goa is participating in this event, through the national-level ILUG team.

* BHAT SAID HIS talks would focus on LDAP, SSL and cryptography. In his usual
down-to-earth style, he explained concepts of cryptography, public keys and
private keys. He said Linux offered very inexpensive ways of undertaking
secure communications. LDAP, he said, is what the Windows world knows as
Active Directory Services. It refers to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,
and involves directories that work very fast because they are mainly giving
out information. 

* THERE WERE ALSO discussions about Sun's JDKs (Java Development Kits) for
Linux, Etherial (a good tool for detecting bad cards), FreeBSD. Boogie
Viegas's very thought-provoking mail on this mailing list ("confessions of an
NT fanatic") helped to strike up a very interesting debate. While old friends
of Canada-based Joseph "Boogie" Viegas kept discussing animatedly, new-comers
were lost in following what was going on!!!

* SANDEEP VERENKAR OF the SSI association suggested that ILUG-Goa could
arrange a day-long demo for small-entrepreneurs about the power of Linux. This
suggestion was warmly appreciated, and we await further plans on the same.

* IT WAS POINTED OUT that two major users of Linux in Goa, on the industrial
front, are Philcorp (Dr Shet, we are missing your presence!) and Dempo's which
is moving into Linux. PhilCorp has set up its entire billing system in its
photo-outlets across Goa using a Postgres database. "Dr Shet has done a great
job in this," was what one member reported.

* ARVIND NOTED that the commercial support for Linux was growing,  including
in places like Vasco. It was however felt that there is need for the 'critical
mass' of Linux supporters to grow in various parts of Goa. This would give
new-comers to take to Linux -- a proven product worldwide -- with even greater
confidence, it was felt.

* NEW PARTICIPANTS at the group, like Protasio 'Proto' J Rodrigues of Anant
Infotech/Ingoa.com, raised queries about their problems faced in installing
Linux. It was suggested that it is best to have the OS installed with support
from some volunteer. It was suggested that Proto bring his machine over for
the next meeting.

* TO A QUERY ABOUT the mode for programmers to earn from Linux, Dr Bhat
pointed to certain web-sites that out-source Linux based products to those
bidding competitively for them. He cited http://www.sourceforge.net,
http://www.cosource.com and http://www.elance.com  

* MEANWHILE, IT WAS REPORTED that a proposal has come up to hold a workshop
for hardware vendors, so as to give them hands-on experience in installing
Linux. CSI vice president Prashant Verenkar is requested to kindly help make
this a reality, as it could help in making this free OS even more popular.

* THERE WAS AN UPDATE on the Bangalore Linux show for the Nov 1-5 IT.COM expo.
This year's stall would be themed 'Powered by Linux'. There would be five
separate segments, each manned by volunteers. These are: (i) development (ii)
home and multimedia (iii) web-development (iv) e-commerce and (v) education
powered by Linux.

* LAWRENCE BROUGHT IN copies of a software Linux training manual, that would
be of interest to members of the ILUG Group. Arvind (arvind@xxxxxxxxx or
415460 or 415461 of Online) has volunteered to retail, at no margin, the
low-cost Linux CDs brought out by Prakash Advani of freeos.com Each is priced
at just Rs 199 and some titles have already been received. If interested,
please check out directly at the contacts above.

* SRIVALLABH SARDESAI complains that he's receiving two copies of every message
sent out to ILUG-Goa. Anyone else facing the problem? Arvind can you check if
he (and me) are subscribed twice, under two different addresses/aliases?

* THEEE CHEERS for Animesh, the young automobile engineering student who
travels all the way from his college near Kolhapur to attend ILUG-Goa
sessions! He mentioned that he has also put out a couple of simple
Linux-related software already. We are expecting a lot more from you...

* NEXT MEETING, Nov 25. We are planning an 'install fest'. Make sure to get
your machines along. Specially Proto and Albert's friend!!! To cope with a
request that beginners' needs to be taken care of, a special session is
planned... Animesh can you volunteer, together with Saha? 

REPORT PREPARED BY fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <Frederick Noronha> a Linux newbie.
As they say, E&OE. Or, errors and omissions excepted!