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OS/X ?

Biju Chacko wrote: [ on 04:39 PM 9/18/00 +0530 ]

This is flamebait. But I'll do anything to kill that painful "Free Software Company" thread.

<AOL> Me Too! </AOL>

So, has anyone played with OS/X yet ? www.apple.com/support/macosx

The local betaware broker was sitting in the bar, keeping an eye
for potential customers. It was easy to spot him, once you knew
the signs. A slightly paranoid look, but still eager to meet
new people. Not unlike a drug dealer or prostitute. This guy,
however, was carrying a laptop.
   I sat in the chair beside him. "Any new stuff for
Linux configuration?", I said, looking at the opposite wall
of bottles.
   The broker looked at me, startled, then quickly away. Then
back at me. "What are you, a cop?" The traditional greeting of
the underworld. It made me feel right at home.
   "Nope, I just want to install Deb..."
   "Shutup. I don't want to go to jail."
   I turned around, looked around, then turned back, and put my
knife against his ribs. "Sing or die: where's software for
managing a group of Debian boxes easily?"
   His face was pale, and he whispered through his teeth. "cfgtool.
At Lasu's site. http://www.iki.fi/liw/programs/";.
   I stood up, and walked quickly to the kitchen, and on
out. As I was closing the kitchen door behind me, I heard the all too
familiar sound of MessySoft Police Cars braking in the street. It
would be a hectic night, but I was still one step ahead.
(Lars Wirzenius, advertising his cfgtool program.)