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Re: Linux India registration.

Nikhil Datta proclaimed:
> > <quoting thaths on this>
> > The onyl reason I might not be able to post weekly digests to LIG is that I
> > don't have the time.
> > </quote>
> Why not (at the least) archive the list and make the archives public?

The list is being archived.  A browsable version is not yet available.  It
will happen Real Soon Now.  Guys, please remember that I am doing all of
this on a voluntary basis.  And was away on a vaction for over a week. 
When I got back to work, there were tons of work related emails that I have
to read and respond to. That is the ONLY reason I have been unable to
deliver on my promise to make li-reg archives open for browsing.  Just hold
on for a couple of days.  The archives will be browsable and ALL posts
(including old ones) will be available.

> What is the progress? What are the issues being discussed? What are
> the stumbling blocks? How can I use my (perhaps related) expertise
> to help?. Surely there are several people who may be interested, 
> and are knowledgable about such matters, who would be able to 
> contribute. Making the list closed serves no purpose except to create
> an air of secrecy and bad feelings.(which, looking at the i-lug 
> b'lore list, seems to have already happened)

C'mon.  Why did YOU have to wait a full 3 weeks after I posted my original
message in LIG about the formation of li-reg to ask all these questions?

> Your message to KK, I quote "It has been brought to our attention
> that IT COM is  an important event ...", conveys a curious lack of
> connection with the IT scene in India. Surely everyone on the 
> LI-reg list knows how big IT COM was last year, and what the response
> to Linux Stall was. I'm sure it did not have to be "brought to
> anyone's attention'. 

Arun and I were not in IT.com.  So the Linux presence in Bangalore IT.com
was, indeed, brought to our attention through the photos and articles. 
Also, you are analyzing every tiny bit of Arun's phrasing.  It is precisely
this reason why the li-reg was to be "semi closed".  If it were open to the
world, every one will be analyzing everyone else's words under huge
microscopes.  And others will be analysing the words you use to analyse
someone else's words.  This is why Debian has two mailing lists -
debian-devel is for developers to discuss issues.  And debian-private (a
closed list) where critical issues are discussed in private.  Even as a
Debian developer, I hardly browse through debian-devel because of the sheer
traffic in it ("What did you mean by the word 'what'?").

"Movies aren't stupid. They fill us with romance and hatred and revenge
    fantasies. 'Lethal Weapon' showed us that suicide is funny."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n    http://www.aunet.org/thaths/    Lead Indentured Slave