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FW: beowulf configured!!!
congrats archan !
when we did setup a cluster two years back, we had somemajor
problems/issues with PVM. took about 12 hrs to figurwe out and fine tune.
mpi seems to be better for performance-driven apps... but we got decent perf
with PVM
anway, keep us posted on your work !
wishing you all the mips
[o]-----Original Message-----
[o]From: Archan Paul [mailto:kernelcoder@xxxxxxxxxxx]
[o]Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 5:03 PM
[o]To: linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[o]Subject: [LIG] beowulf configured!!!
[o]I want to share a good news with u all that I have
[o]configured 3 m/c Beowulf
[o]in my den and it running like a breeze!!! I am running
[o]LAM-MPI in it and the
[o]complete job is just 3.5hrs flat......
[o]I will update u on this later..... Currently I am in new
[o]world of Linux based
[o]clustered parallel computing and Cellular Automata
[o]implementation in it.
[o](burried under the parallel algorithms)
[o]Archan Paul
[o]Lateral Linux Labs
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