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ILUG-BLR Minutes

ILUG-BANGALORE August 2000 Meeting Minutes
ILUG-BANGALORE August 2000 Meeting Minutes

Welcome to the August 2000 Meeting Minutes

The original schedule of the Program:

6:00 pm         Welcome and Registration
6:30 pm         Introduction et al      -  Biju             
6:45 pm         IP Masquerading         -  Mahendra
7:15 pm         IPv6                    -  IISc Group
7:45 pm         Refreshments            -  ILUG-BANGALORE
8:15 pm         Cyberphunks             -  Udhay Shankar
8:45 pm         Post-Meet Blather       -  Biju             

The August 2000 ILUG-Bangalore meeting started as usual at 6:30 PM IST
( Well, effectively 7:00 PM ). The sponsors for this meet were OyeIndia[1].

The meeting was a change from the usual meetings. This meeting was significant
as we had a new SG[2] in Biju. Instead of Atul's "ramble session", we had
Biju's "Blathering session" this time. Biju "Blathered"[3] for sometime and
handed over the podium to Mahendra.

Mahendra then started his presentation on IP Masquerading 
with very elegantly made slides. The comments from the Audience were like
" He seems have to have taken great pains to create those slides " et al.
Mahendra's session was long as he had lotta slides ( with cute penguins on
almost all of them ) and of course pretty pretty informative.

After Mahendra's meeting, Biju announced a slight change in the program that
Udhay would be doing the next presentation. Udhay's presentation was quite
informative. He talked about the various crypto mechanisms, types of
encryption/decryption and various standards in encryption/decryption.
Udhay also talked about the kind of encryption being talked about in the
IT Bill 2000[4] ( was to be passed on the 15th of August ) and it's ramifications,
if it were passed. Udhay also told the audience that comments are being
taken for the IT Bill 2000. If you are interested in information about
cryptography or any thing related to that, please contact Udhay[5].
Udhay's presentation's are also available here[6].

As soon as Udhay's presentation ended, Biju announced the break for
refreshments. But, before Biju had announced, some *really* hungry
dudes had already formed a queue near the Place where the refreshments
had been arranged. This reminded of the "locust effect". Well not much
during the refreshments, but it was visible that some people were
leaving  after the refreshments. To this, our ex-SG suggested that
from the next meeting onwards the refreshments would be served only
after the last presentation. :(

As soon as the refreshments were *exhausted*, people returned back to the
seats after which Biju announced the IPv6 presentation. The IPv6 presentation
was given by two guys in two parts. The first part dealt about the technical
aspects of IPv6, it's advantages over IPv4 et al. The second part dealt
with IPv6 and Linux and IPv6 Forum in India et al. After the presentation,
there was the Q&A session. It was also mentioned that a mailing list[7]
had been created for IPv6. For more information check out the mailing list [7].

As soon as the presentation by the IPv6 group ended, Atul came in for a little
"crib" session. He talked about more involvement from other members of
ilug-blr and about making the meetings much more interactive.  The next
meeting would be a step forward in that direction.
After Atul , Biju came in to announce the next meeting's focus - "MultiMedia".
The September meet will be a sort of mini-exhibition of various multimedia
projects, spread around the meeting hall. For more information/discussion
join the ilug-blr mailing list[8] , if you are not already on the mailing
Biju then thanked the sponsors and added that oyeindia[1] was still on the
lookout for guys and wound up the meeting. Finally, with a lot more discussion
and chatting, the crowd dispersed.

That's all for now .... till we meet again.

[1] - www.oyeindia.com     ,    ram at oyeindia.com
[2] - SG             -    Sacrificial  Goat    
[3] - Blather        -    babble, talk foolishly    :-)
[4] - Supposedly the IT Bill 2000 is looking at 40 bit encryption, when
      actually 512-bit encryption is the minimum one cane have.
[5] - Udhay can be contacted at      udhay at pobox.com
[6] - http://www.digeratus.com/crypto/
[7] - To subscribe to the IPv6 India mailing list, send a mail to
      ipv6_admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx with  the words "subscribe ipv6"  in the body
      of the message
[8] - http://bangalore.linux-india.org

Women are just like men, only different.

Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)                               - Debian GNU/Linux. 
MQSeries Dedicated Development Center                   - Technology Group.
Encrypted Mail Preferred - Finger sidcarter at symonds.net For GPG/PGP Key.