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Re: Netscpae with X

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, L Singh wrote:

> The problem I am facing is that whenever I run Netscape with the X-server 
> running at 24 bpp, the icons in the toolbar all appear in black (i.e. as if 
> there are only two colors, black and the background). However when I switch 
> to 16 bpp or 8 bpp, they display in full color (a la M$ Windows).

I had read somewhere that netscape is compiled for 16bpp by default so on
other bpp it's supposed to look ghastly

> BTW : Got any working implementation for using the Motorola SM56 Internal 
> modem (aka Winmodem) under Zoot?

No, but if you find out please tell me (I had to postpone my idea of
helping to write a driver due to work loads)


# Indraneel Majumdar                  ¡  E-mail: indraneel@xxxxxxxxxxxx  #
# Bioinformatics Unit (EMBNET node),  ¡  URL: http://scorpius.iwarp.com  #
# Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics,                         #
# Hyderabad, India - 500076                                              #