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Re: [ilug-blr] Re: LUG Blr Minutes July - small correction and different approach to web prging
On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Hanish Menon C wrote:
> The statement that PHP provides Session management (or a state based
> logic to put it in a very abstract way), with out using cookies or
> invisible form variables in the html pages (or as part of the html
> url: which is what the variables of a form get converted to for a
> particular method) is not realy true. It internally uses these very
> mechanisms, but hides the web prger from these issues.
> The best way I can think of for web prging is to have a __Template
> management layer and a business logic layer__. This provides the maximum
> flexibility. And this can be done is C
For am implementation of these goals with java see http://www.enhydra.com