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Re: [TwinCLinG] ILUG reps

umm... i was out fer a few days, so i just got to my mail. I hope u guys didn't
miss me! ;> 

getting serious, i dont think LUGs should be formalised at all... As Doc Partha
has rightly said, i dunno how much we're responsible fer it, but our country
stinks of politicism. Everybody is always groping for whatever little power that
can be grabbed. I'm all against any commitee being a 'responsible' body for the
activities... we ain't any franchisees here. we even went on for some time 
without a co-ord, and a moderator. i fail to understand their need, as far as
the focus is Linux. And, I agree with Doc, about his views of the closed mailing
list used to discuss the policy. IMHO, a closed mailing list just allows for
some ppl. on LI to just take the band-wagon as they please (this has nothing to
do with KD, Arun, or Thaths). There were some efforts to formalize some stuff at
ILUG-HYD some time back, but i just laid it back. Even if the bigwigs out there
are going to make a formal ventur out of poer LI, ILUG-HYD is going to be as it
is, open, free, and _no policy makers_. If u've got rules, there's someone to 
break them. Maybe u make some more laws to decide who did it wrong, and then
whats the 'punishment'. heck, has LKML ever been formalised? We're not a commitee
to decide where Linux goes in India. We're not here for that. We're here to help
each other out. Let Linux take its own way, and its own sweet time. I'm in no
hurry to make my grandma use Linux. I dont gain a thing if my neighbour starts
off with Linux. We're just a 'group' of individuals who're helping those who
want to be helped. Why should we be governed by someone? Open Source? Freedom?
where do those fit in? The same thing is being done on the net, with bodies like
ICANN and others coming in, and deciding on some stuff, they can rarely digest

With all due respects to the MBA guys on the list (Suresh, et al), i think u're
management skills dont have a place in the Linux community. Much less in India.
Politics can create havoc, and I, for one, have better things to do, than wobble
around the list, deciding the future of Linux in India. I'll do what I can, 
_when_ I can, and I dont want to be bullied around by some 'organisation'.


With all regards to whosever tempers I've raised,
my 2 paise.


On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 08:19:50PM +0530, Raghuram Vijapurapu wrote:
> Common Guys we need a geek with the ideology of GNU in his blood and a
> person(I havent found a gal till now who can think in such a way) who
> can think Open Source Day in and Day out to be our Representative. I
> think NICK is the best one around here and matches all these qualities
> and I am sure he will put us on the map with his genious.
> Regards
> Raghuram
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>        [Raghuram Vijapurapu] [raghuram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] [ICQ# 58896013]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------