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Re: Aunet and linux-india?


Dwivedi Ajay kumar typed:
> 	We are very grateful to thats for it. But still, I don't
> understand the need for irc.linux-india.org's http port point to AUNET. I
> mean there is already aunet.org then why irc.linux-india.org? It would
> have had some meaning if both were mirrors with actual physical locations
> being different. But as u say they are on the same machine.

The situation is simple:

All the three hostnames (irc, lists, and www.aunet.org) resolve to
Thaths' server. Thaths has defined a virtual domain for
lists.linux-india.org. And he hasn't done anything about
irc.linux-india.org since he doesn't expect anyone to connect there
with HTTP. So when you connect, you get the default page for the
machine, which is the aunet page.

It's not as if Thaths has intentionally made that domain also point to
aunet, he just hasn't (yet?) defined a virtual domain for it.

Mrinal Kalakrishnan <mrinal@xxxxxxxxx> http://mrinal.dhs.org/
Linux 2.2.12-20 || PGP:B1E86F5B || Mutt 1.3.7i (2000-08-03) || VIM 5.6 
 * For moronic filesystems that do not allow holes in file.
 * We may have to extend the file.
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