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Site stats


Since Thaths occasionally puts out stats about the lists, it may be
appropriate to show you some stats about the LI website, too.

You can see stats for LI's site (since the site moved to India) at


Stats are generated at midnight every day. More details are being added
(domain/referrer/agent stats) soon.

Also, in deference to Arun's crib long back about him not being too
thrilled about width-restricted pages, we have changed the current design
slightly to fill your browser window.

Much of the stuff in the background is being changed, so be prepared for
sudden changes.

And if you have any suggestions for the site - webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
would love to hear from you.

Since we now have full conmtrol of the server the site runs on, the sky
is the lower limit of what we can do. ;-)



Atul Chitnis       | achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx (PGP:6011BCB8)
Exocore Consulting | http://www.exocore.com
Bangalore, India   | +91(80)3440397 Fax +91(80)3341137