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Re: accounting software on linux

Rajesh Kankaria saw fit to inform LI that: 

>>SANIsoft saw fit to inform LI that:
>>tar you mean? :)
>I meant the format Suresh. Currently I have uploaded it in ZIPped format. I
>guess "tar" is the standard format used ?

On linux at least - especially as tar can

1. Copy files recursively (save the path info)
2. Maintain file permissions


>>for me, it is.  Even though I am an MBA, I still can't figure out the
>>difference between Dr. and Cr. ;)
>Well since most of the times we use "Received" money from "clients" and
>"Paid" to the "Computer wala" the s/w uses Receipt and Payment only. <gg>
>Hope that helps :)

Very much.  I'll download ace for this quiz club am a part of ... we need
a decent acctg software and I've just been converting junta to linux, and
that's their main crib.

Suresh Ramasubramanian + sureshr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Irrationality is the square root of all evil"
		-- Douglas Hofstadter