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Re: PCQ June 2000: Clarifications
Atul Chitnis saw fit to inform LI that:
>No - one cancels out the other, so maybe you won't get paid at all. ;-)
Howwwllll!!! :)
>IAC, you'd have to fight it out with Babu Kalakrishnan whose article was
>credited to you. Since you have the pleasure of the articles in print with
>your name on it, maybe we should pay *him* for both to make up for the
>goof. ;-)
Maybe PCQ will publish a special edition with these typos fixed? ;)
[just a thought - which hurriedly disappears as I see the PCQ editorial
team hefting large mallets to lart me] ;)
Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at staff.juno.com
"Life may have no meaning -- or even worse, it may have
a meaning of which I disapprove."