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Re: Re: [LIP] Browser

On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 05:46:25PM -0700, Sudhakar Chandra wrote:
> > Another notable thing is when people switch to
> > OpenBSD if ever they do -- I don't know how FreeBSD works here -- they
> > notice that they dont have the bash <TAB> complete ... and begin
> > bitching about it... 
> Judging by their prefernece of shell (bash), I suspect that these are those
> damn rabid GNU/Linux zealots raised on a staple of RedHat or Debian.  My
> understanding was that in the *BSD world *csh was the preferred shell.

It was a little bit of NIH. It's the default on FreeBSD, because BSD
guys invented it. As Tom Christiansen would tell you, programming using
that shell could do bad things to your mental health.

I'm surprised to see that I'm the only one among the 20-30 UNIX
developers at my work place, who uses bash. Everyone else uses tcsh.

Jordan Hubbard uses bash, BTW.

$ finger jkh@xxxxxxxxxxx
Login: jkh            			Name: Jordan K. Hubbard
Directory: /home/jkh                	Shell: /usr/local/bin/bash
Office: Walnut Creek CDROM		Office Phone: +1 925 682 7859
